Improve Your Ability to Tell Stories – Management Tip

If you want to convince someone to support your project, explain to an employee how he might   improve, or inspire a team that’s struggling, you need to be able to tell a persuasivecompelling story. Start by asking yourself: Who is my audience and what is the message I want to shareNextlook to your own  life experiences for any anecdotes that highlight   struggle,   failure, or success that might  resonate with listenersbut don’t try to make yourself the star. The ultimate focus should be on people you know, lessons  you’ve learned, or events you’ve witnessedYou could even make the audience play a role  – they’ll   be more engaged and  willing   to buy in to your message. Keep it simple and straightforward, with just a few key details. And don’t forget to practice.
*Source: Harvard Business School’s Management Tip of the Day
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